I did a thing…again

Hey. So…there’ll be time for background later, but this is just a quick thought dump.

One thing that seems to help my brain process things is to write stuff out. It has also been really helpful to talk about stuff I’ve learned and resources I’ve found related to ADHD.

One thing that -doesn’t- help me though is posting something to FB then constantly going back to look at likes or comments. It’s not intentional, but I kind of get sucked into the dopamine boost that comes from seeing new comments or reactions and before I know it, I’m checking my phone every few minutes looking to see who else has commented or liked, which then results in feeling like I’m only posting for the reactions. Not a road I want to go down.

I do really appreciate reading the things people write; even if it feels a little overwhelming sometimes to think about trying to reply to everyone (so then I reply to no one) but it seems to be getting harder to not feel like I’m just posting for the reactions.

So, this is going to be a little different but maybe kinda the same… I’m going to try locking down comments and stuff but for anyone who does want to have a discussion, if you’re reading this you probably have at least one way to get in touch with me.




